Getting Started with MCP JARVIS: A Quick Start Guide

Ok, you have Claude for desktop installed. Congratulations!

How do I check if MCP JARVIS works?

In Claude for desktop click on the tools icon. You should see 18 available tools.

Claude's Available Tools

I do not see the tools (I see only 2)

You have to restart the Claude for desktop app (you have to quit it, just closing is not enough). After the restart the new MCP JARVIS configuration will be activated.

How can I change the MCP configuration?

To change the configuration (to additionally add Brave API key, add new allowed folder for the filesystem or add new servers) go to Settings > Developer tab > Edit config

Then open the claude_desktop_config.json file in any text editor. This is where you can additionally add the Brave API key or add a new allowed folder to the filesystem MCP server.

Claude JSON Settings

What can I do now?


Suddenly your Claude is much more powerful than the stock version.

YouTube Transcript in Claude

Next Steps

Now that you have MCP JARVIS up and running, explore our AI Workflows section to discover practical use cases and step-by-step guides for making the most of your enhanced Claude assistant.

Explore the full range of capabilities and discover how MCP JARVIS transforms Claude from a conversational AI into a powerful productivity assistant.